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Women who embrace modesty are like beautiful Roses. Here’s why…growing up in and on the streets just South of Los Angeles, CA, I was a pretty rough kid and trust me I knew nothing about MODESTY. I was a total tomboy! Running the streets, (due to no parental guidance) and for the first 8 years of my life horses were everything to me. I started my own business when I was 5 years old cleaning manure from the horse stalls at the stables where we had our horses. I charged 50 cents a stall and I earned enough to buy my first horse on my own, I named him Fluffy and he was my joy. So me, the little tomboy who only wore jeans and boots and spurs to boot!, knew nothing about being a little girl, no dollies for me. Whenever I saw a girl or woman dressed up in a dress and looking pretty I thought they looked rich! I imagined they were royalty because of the style of their clothes and the way they walked and held themselves. It wasn't until I was introduced to Pentecost that I learned they embraced their modest dress as a form of worship to their God, women looking


Outside of the Jewish women from my childhood when I was with my grandmother, who was an entertainer and I would sometimes travel with her and be a part of her show at different Jewish synagogues, and those Jewish women that dressed so well for God, until I met a oneness Pentecostal in a bedroom shop when I was in my 30’s. She tried to introduced me to her God, but I of course, would not hear anything she had to say, but I did notice her style of dress and how lovely she looked. She looked so elegant and carried herself as such.

God finally intervened in my life and that is when I saw a ROSE begin to unfold in my life. After becoming a oneness Pentecostal, 30 years ago now, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting thousands and thousands of women who love and embrace modesty, from all countries with various standards. Standards vary within oneness groups of women like in any culture. But this was something that really began to transform me petal by petal. I had been Baptized in the Wonderful Name of JESUS on November 3rd 1991, and had not yet received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, but I was listening to a preaching tape of Brother Vaughn Morton preaching to preachers and their wives on Holiness. Well he laid it all out scripture by scripture and I looked up every verse he used in his preaching and saw very clearly that Holiness inside and outside was what God desired for His people. I had a yard sale that weekend and sold everything in my house that was not pleasing to the LORD and with that money I went shopping at Ross and bought me a new wardrobe of skirts and tops and shoes. Up until that time I only owned 1 dress, LOL

I will say this, from the very first time I stepped foot into that little Pentecostal Church the Rose began to unfold in my life. I had a truck driver mouth, and after that very first service that mouth was completely gone, those fowl words did not even come into my thoughts anymore. And let me tell you, before that encounter with the HOLY ONE, I was nasty. But petal by petal, Line upon Line and Precept upon Precept! My life was being transformed. It was 6 weeks after the first service I attended that I finally received the baptism of the HOLY GHOST, I had been begging God for it every service, 4 services a week but nothing.... then someone told me that I would never receive the Holy Ghost by begging, that God wanted to fill me more than I wanted to receive it. I stopped begging and started worshipping, and just like that, God filled me with the Holy Ghost one morning early at the Church when I knelt down to pray. It was not a Church service it was a morning prayer meeting. It was so powerful and wonderful, beyond my comprehension but IT was REAL!

I never felt like a woman or a lady until God began the transformation in me from the inside out and I loved what I felt happening. I am rich in Jesus, if I never had a dime to my name I would still be rich because of HIM! I can hold my head up and walk in the authority that HE has given me in the Holy Ghost and by HIS blood covering! I have the utmost respect for women who choose modesty in an immodest world. Yes, we’re all slightly different in the way we live it out and each of us has our own unique style, yet we share a bond. Like a batch of fresh multi colored Roses, different in color, yet united in purpose. We choose a road less traveled and that is our beautiful common ground. The LORD JESUS loves our modesty and tells us that we are, "Wonderfully and Beautifully MADE!" Bless the LORD oh my soul and with all that is within me, bless HIS Holy Name!

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